This week we learned about screen casting! I have never done any screen casting before and am quite apprehensive on how to do it but I felt more confident after our lesson. Screen casting is when you make a video that records your voice over what is on your screen. This can be helpful for making lessons and tutorials for your students. They will be able to go over what they learned at home if they need a refresher. I find screen cast videos helpful for my own learning as I am able to go at my own speed and rewatch any steps that I might not feel fully confident on.
I have included a video of my screen casting and talking briefly about my Inquiry project on my blog. I downloaded and used Screen Castify to make this video. Some things I could have done differently is write a script for the voiceover. As I did not do this I had to redo this a few times. However, it was a good learning experience and I feel much more confident in using this feature again.
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